Column classes add unwanted text

Home Forums Easy Bootstrap Shortcodes PRO Column classes add unwanted text

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    • #2680
      Brian Jacobson

      I am using EBS Pro v. 3.2. When I add a class to a column, the plugin prepends my class with “md-“. It appears to be added on line 71 of lib/wpcolums/plugin_shortcode.php. Is there a reason why this is added?

      In the meantime, I added the following line after 71:

      I am trying to use a class to push and pull columns (would be a great feature to add btw) and this was messing things up.

    • #2691
      osCitas Themes

      Hi Brian,

      Thanks for the heads up. However this is done for purpose so that user can write the screen specific css. But yes somehow we have missed to mention this in our documentation. We think that even your point is valid, so we will change in the process which will allow user to give the common class for all screens.


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