This is the code that is NOT working:
[row wrap="true"]
[column lg="4" md="4" sm="12" xs="12"][thumbnail link="" alt="Registro de pacientes al programa AcceSalud" src=""][/column]
[column lg="4" md="4" sm="12" xs="12"][thumbnail link="" alt="¿Qué es AcceSalud?" src=""][/column]
[column lg="4" md="4" sm="12" xs="12"][thumbnail link="" alt="Videos sobre AcceSalud, un programa de FEMEXER" src=""][/column]
[column md="12" sm="12" xs="12" ]
[separator style="separator-double-thick-thin" margin="20"]¿Qué es AcceSalud?[/separator]
[oscvideo type="youtube" link="" dimensions="4by3"]
Instead of having a one row with three columns, I have two rows with my items on them.
Each column only have a thumbnail (responsive) image.
I just upgraded to EBSP and renewd licensed, and now I have this problem!!!
Also a video on a one-column row is not 100% wide.
Please help ASAP!
This topic was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by
Celia Palacios. Reason: Lack of code that helps understanding the problem