Affiliate Terms & Conditions
Whenever user clicks your referral link, and purchases an item, you will receive some part of that person’s purchase price.
Please note that this Affiliate Program is only for the sales on osCitasThemes, you will not get any referral benefits if sales will done on any third party site.
Few important points about how it works
- We use cookies to track people who have clicked on your link, so they need to be using cookies for us to track them.
- If a person doesn’t allow cookies or clears their cookies then we can’t track them so can’t pay earnings on that person’s activity.
- If a person clicks on your referral link and then later they click on someone else’s, yours is the one that counts.
- A user referred via your referral link must not be related to you or your business or company.
- If a person clicks a link, they have 30 days before the cookie expires. If they make a purchase within that time, we will pay your Affiliate Program earnings. After 30 days, no Affiliate Program earnings apply.
- Earnings appear under your affiliate panel.
- Above all, use of the Affiliate Program is subject to a fair use policy which gives osCitasThemes the right to review each and every referral.
Revenue withdrawal
- For withdrawing revenue you must have a Valid and Verified Paypal account. Please, make sure your Paypal account has the option to receive money before withdrawing funds from osCitasthemes.
- You can associate your affiliate account with only one Paypal account.
- You can withdraw funds only after lapse of fifteen (15) days, the mandatory clearance period. Your account balance must also be at least $50 to withdraw.
- Paypal charges a fee on each withdrawal and that will be automatically deducted by them each time you withdrawn amounts.
- The withdrawals are permanent and cannot be cancelled. Once the process has been put into action, we can not help you in any regard.